Thursday, September 8, 2016

Shylock-Life is not a Jew way street. It is two way street.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have noted as all of you the headlines noting Jewish hatred spreading throughout the world. I can tell you of my experience with Ashkenaz Jews, in one family I came across in Texas, they made fun of the Christians who brought welcome baskets to their home, their brain damaged son was a complete ass who almost ended up in bed with Daniel Day Lewis as the retard was too stupid to know he was being trolled, and daughter was a lying little manipulator..........said the old man was Mosaad he works in American education.

That family pretty well cemented my dislike for these cowardly Jews in America who will not live in their Jewish state, produce babies to occupy Begin territories and expect other Jews to die for their Jewry, which amounts to pretending they are Jewish.

Israeli UN Envoy: Hatred of Jews At 'Highest Level of Lifetime'...

Nazi salutes greets national team in Italy...

Is that anti Semite? As a Semite is someone of Shem's bloodline and all Americans, Western Peoples including Germans are Shemites, it is a bizarre then to blame people who are Israelites of hating Semites when they are Semites.

For the fact, the Khazarans and Ashkenaz are not of the tribe of Judah. They are Jewish religious converts out of Asia, just east of Turkey as a matter of fact is where they originated from and now have supplanted Judahite lines. So the correct term would be Anti Ashkenaz, not Jewish.

What the Lame Cherry is interested in is the Truth. Truths like you know most of these Yiddish "Jews" all have this "cat chewing in your face" revulsion. You know what I mean if you ever watched Billy Crystal or Rob Reiner.They are always BOOM in your face with yelling, arms flying around, and this endless rant of something no normal person would ever give a damn or blessing about.

The point is like Mark Levin, another Ashkenaz Jew import. He screams, he yells, he is rude, he bitches, he pisses, he moans, he is #NeverTrump being an asshole for months, and once he thinks Donald Trump is going to win, then he suddenly will vote for Trump.

The Alt Right does this (((((( )))))) to parse Jews as Jews like parsing themselves, but examine what this is in the reality of we have these Ben Shapiros, Jonah Goldbergs, Bill Krystols and I am not going to list all of these Ashkenaz, but the point is, like that ass Ted Cruz, they have been employed to rip the GOP to shreds and call all Conservatives not like them as something to be burned at the stake. They work for powerful other Ashkenza interests and they are all obnoxious as hell. They are like Jesuits importing Muslims, and like these fraud Lutherans importing Muslims. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about these traitors and if you look at it bluntly, George Soros is raping the world like all of these economic rapists and then these Ashkenaz have the audacity from Google censorship to wonder about headlines of anti Jewish feelings are running rampant in this world?

Ok so we got this, who is giving billions of dollars to bribe nations? Is it Jews or is it the Saudis? Of course it is the Muslims, so you got sympathy for those communist Philistines that the Jews keep blowing up, because the Philistines are blowing up the Jews.
Then you got Jewish intelligence screwing with every nation, and treating ISIS in that Obama war. The point is the average mob in this world, sees the Jews are so tight that you can't squeeze blood out of their turnips while they are always getting some monopoly or Rothschild starting some war, and pretty soon the other races start looking around and saying they hate Jews.

The Jews have a PR problem of their own making. The Jews keep creating themselves a victims when they are the ones starting the fight. The Jews have been using the holocaust which in their version is propaganda fraud as a weapon to beat the shit out of Germans and use it as their excuse to treat everyone like shit for their criminal behavior, and there is puzzlement and headlines why people are fed up with all of that shit?

If Jews want to be loved. Then stop swindling everyone in the Shylock stereotype and start sharing the trillions. You got a problem with Philistines, buy the sons of bitches out and send them to some happy Muslim land and stop walling them in behind the Muslim ghetto. Stop thinking being a Jew makes you an eternal victim in you never have to answer for anything. Stop being like Shylock in thinking you got the right to carve pounds of flesh off of humanity for your religion which is the color of money.

Those are the realities of the modern stereotype of  the Jew, after it was vanished by Jews like Dr. Kissinger in diplomacy to Jackie Mason in entertainment, as that community tried to act in public to not reinforce the worst of their scoundrel elder's past.

What the question the Jews have to answer is, is the question on most people's minds now considering the anti Jew backlash, and that is, what is in it for the rest of humanity in having a relationship with Jews? Most people have decided the Jew is the problem and not the solution, because of Jewish actions.

It sounds cliche, but Jews should start being Christian for awhile in being charitable and pleasant. If they can not do that, then maybe they should try being like Sean Hannity, a nice Jesuit boy who has been busy saving Mark Levin from his bastard self.

For Jews so perhaps this soaks in, you got in your cage two Muslims, one is snapping at you, barking at you, pissing on you and growling at you, and the other wags it's tail, sits and is obedient. Which Muslim do you want?
It is the same with Jews, in the world has nothing but Mark Levin and George Soros as their poster boys and the Irving Berlins and Carl Reiners are gone.

It all is the reality that the Jews have problems because of their elders, just like the Americans blew the good will over 9 11 for Neocon Jews. Jews made the problem and Jews have to fix it or they will have more headlines.

Sean Hannity bought Mark Levin a 10,000 dollar bike and saved Levin from his #NeverTrumper suicide binge.........what has Mark Levin done? Not one blessed thing.

Life is not a Jew way street, but a two way street.

- Lame Cherry


When the Boogerman is the Boogerwoman named Hillary

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a warning for the Bernie Sanders voters, whose names are NSA lists and FBI data mining for Mr. Sanders, of what will await them, as Mrs. Clinton began political life with the Arkansas Mafia policing her area, and now with more dead bodies appearing, there is an international mafia protecting the Clinton's as the Clinton's are their investment.

The fact is Bernie Sanders won California. There were 3 million votes left uncounted or suppressed in California which will never be counted, as this was Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Jerry Brown engaged in vote fraud to install Hillary Clinton into the Democratic nomination.

Bernie Sanders according to Wikileaks was threatened to drop out of the race and to abandon his voters.

 And Bernie Sanders was independent candidate trying to get the nomination trough the Democratic Party and if you ask me he did get the nomination, but he was threatened to drop out.

We have now a group of #NeverTrumpers joined as Hillary Clinton's 5th Column. How long do you think it will be before the protectors of Mrs. Clinton begin eliminating the Bernie Sanders voters and  these #NeverTrumpers like Jonah Goldberg come to the point on the list of not being just threatened, but eliminated?

There is proof that Hillary Clinton and her consorts not only stole the Democratic primary, but resorted to threats to make Bernie Sanders betray his voters. For these political whores like Bill Kristol who think they are so inside and protected by Rupert Murdoch, how much protection was any of that for Roger Ahles?

When the time comes everyone is expendable who thinks they are on the inside, from Lee Oswald being made a patsy to Jack Ruby sent in by the Jewish mafia to deal with an Oswald loose end. The one, thee ONLY one salvation for all of these people from Sanders voters, to the propaganda trolls of Mockingbird is Donald Trump being elected and gaining controls over this machine to put an end to this corruption, where Ted Cruz's oligarchs were stealing states from Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's oligarchs were stealing states from Bernie Sanders, and both sets of billionaires are using the same intelligence e vote fraud and the same media to cover up the thefts, because it is the same mechanism.

There is a difference of night and day, and evil and good, dangerous and safe, between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton is lethal. Donald Trump is life.


The Hillary Clinton Autopsy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a statement on the facts of Hillary Clinton in what she has going on under her skin. I found a ridiculous post that Hillary Clinton is 5.7........and then 5.6 in height, and weighs only 132 pounds. I assure you that if Mrs. Clinton is 5.6 inches tall that the latest photo of her with Matt Lauer is a woman who last saw 132 pounds around the time Vince Foster was murdered.

Hillary Clinton height and weight | HowTallis.Org

How tall is Hillary Clinton? Hillary Clinton's height is 5ft 5-6in (165-168 cm). How much does Hillary Clinton weigh? Hillary Clinton weighs nearly 132 lbs (60 kg).

The fact is one can formulate how much Hillary Clinton weighs based on Centerfold or Miss America tale of the tape.

A very thin woman in that 5.6 feet average will weigh with C cup breasts, 118 pounds. Add a D cup and the number rises to 125 pounds.
For an elderly female as Mrs. Clinton she carries her fat deposits on her buttocks, back and stomach, with upper thigh manifestations.

Add 5 pounds for each thigh, so you have 135 pounds. Add 10 pounds for each ass cheek and you are up to 155 pounds. Add 15 pounds for her beer belly and you have 170 pounds and then add another 7 pounds for back fat, and you have Hillary weighing in at 177 pounds.

As she falls down a great deal and rarely breaks bones, this female has larger calcium deposits in her skeletal structure, so one can add another 10 pounds compared to women with brittle Hillary is tipping the scales at 184 pounds.

If she had large breasts or was a fat head one could add another 15 pounds, but after a Clinton chow down, I suspect Hillary Clinton tips the scales at around 187 pounds on any given day. That is a great deal of weight for secret service to try and not have fall down on them.

The point in this is, is that Mrs. Clinton has had over 5 years to pull off 55 pounds to her fictional 135 pounds, but has not. That reveals that she is unfit physically to exercise.......note Jane Fonda looking centerfold at 180 years old in being able to at least walk from the bed post to the bathroom stall without summoning a jet flight to carry her there.
That means that Mrs. Clinton eats, sleeps and that is it, and that puts fat onto her aging body. She is incapable of losing weight due to the fact she has no physical activity, because she can move around and she is not restricting her diet, which she should in suffering from major blood clot problems.

It is a simple formula in being old, fat and sick, it places immense stress on the heart, and that is where the autopsy comes in, as when they do the butterfly on Mrs. Clinton in the morgue, they will open her chest up and find a chest cavity full of fat. Picture in your mind two lungs crimson red, and held between them a heart, but you can not see the heart, until you slice through, around 2 1/2 inches of fat surrounding that heart. That stresses the heart and it presses on the lungs decreasing lung capacity.
If you would like to stick around for the gutting the fish examination, she has around a 3 inch layer of fat from her kidneys down to her rectal cavity. She appears to be Anglo in background, so I am assuming her fat is more white than yellow, as humans do have lovely fat in certain ethnic groups of pretty Guernsey cow type orange fat.

I digress.

I make this point as everyone looks at Mrs. Clinton, and are missing what is on the inside which her autopsy will reveal. If you study her coon ring under her eyes, she is suffering from major allergic reactions and for as much as she sleeps she is not resting. Her skin is not puffy, but tight. That concludes Mrs. Clinton is on some medication where she is removing fluids from her body so she does not suffocate in the fluids she is coughing, or she is simply dehydrated as older people tend to be.

She has the classic purplish hands which points to lack of blood flow in the body. again another Sherlock Holmes telling sign is the woman dresses like Nanoook of the North all the time in sweltering heat. She is never seen perspiring as a normal body would, means Mrs. Clinton is having a reaction to medications, is old or she is experiencing heart failure in she can not keep her body warm.

Hillary Clinton's Fat Zone is her lethal zone, but she is fat, because she can not keep physically fit as she is a sick old woman, and that is why she is obese, indicating morbidly obese.

This will all come out in the autopsy, like her pale oxygen deprived, paper thin heart.

See a good diagnostician does not need expensive  tests, expensive machines, and can simply look at a body from pale gums, skin tension, coon eyes and where they are including speaking with their hand in "chicken head position" which means she is not joint mobile when she talks, in being not flexible, fat and suffering some type of joint inflammation. That is what the above photo reveals in she is having problems with simple questions from Matt Lauer and she had gone chicken pecking hand at Lauer to try and drive him off, as this old, weak, degrading females attempts to defend herself as her days of flight stopped long ago.

Put it this way, if Hillary Clinton was in the Obama jungle, a bear would have eaten her a decade ago as Huma ran off and Hillary was so sound asleep she could not tell her ass was being eaten off by Gentle Ben.

You have to discern the above, that Hillary Clinton still looks like a corpse after million dollar make up at NBC. The above analysis is what Hillary Clinton looks like under make up and under her skin.


Hillary's Dr. Strangemeds

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I did happen to mention the below first due to inquiry in who Dr. Strangemed was.

A former Secret Service agent has confirmed the identity of Hillary Clinton’s mysterious ‘medical handler’ as US Secret Service Agent Todd Madison.

The retired Secret Service agent, who spent 20 years protecting America’s top leaders including the Clinton’s, confirmed by telephone Wednesday that the stocky African American man highlighted by various media outlets, was a man he worked with previously on assignment.

The former Secret Service agent, who requested to remain anonymous due to continuing government service, said that the Secret Service doesn’t have handlers, but agents are trained in emergency trauma care, and will at times bring in contractors to fill specific medical needs.

“Some agents are more true believers than others”, the former SS agent said, meaning that some agents get more involved than others in the political campaigns they are attached to. “This explains the uncommon behavior of him getting up and talking during the speech, he’s a boss, its how Todd handles his detail,” he added.

I wonder now though in Huma Abedin complaining in emails about Hillary and Huma's last trained agent allowed them to break the law, that this new trained agent in Todd Madison apparently has violated numerous other laws in coming into contact with their superior, and making Hillary Clinton his talking parrot.

I wonder even more about the inquiry, the matrix, and how to deal with the study of it. I wonder what has thrown me off this, not in ability, but what has me spooked. It is not Hamrod or any of this, but something is out there and I can feel it. It is intelligent and attempting to destabilize, a dark force of energy manifesting in physical upheaval.
In a crappy world, I never have this many overshadowing situations not rectifying.


Hillary Clinton EARWIGate

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There really is no shock in the depths of cheating that Hillary Clinton will stoop to as now she was caught in the first debate between herself and Donald Trump with an earpiece to assist her in answers and to prompt her in case she had a brain freeze, which is a clear violation of Presidential debates in fair play.

The public expects someone desiring to be President, to actually show up and KNOW or at least have the mental capacity to answer questions. Hillary Clinton though has cheated in what the Lame Cherry defines this as another Clinton Scandal in EARWIGATE.

This was not the first time this has taken place as Patriot James Woods posted a Wiki email from Huma to Hillary asking her about her earpiece.

Woods also posted a Clinton email from the Wikileaks archive in which Huma Abedin asked Hillary, “Did u take your earpiece or do I need to get it?”
“She can’t even #lie without help from a gaggle of other #liars through an earpiece,” tweeted Woods.

In researching, this is the actual piece by appearance which Mrs. Clinton was using to cheat in this debate. As actors uses these devices a great deal now as they age.

There is no longer surprise in any of this as Mrs. Clinton lied to Matt Lauer during the debate that not any Americans were murdered in Libya. Apparently the 4 Americans at Benghazi were .........perhaps this slipped Mrs. Clinton's mind as she can never remember anything in FBI interviews.

Seriously I do not know why Hillary Clinton is even bothering with pretending she is in a campaign. She should just tell the world, "Hey I am going to steal this in e vote fraud" and the she can just stay home, spread eagle on a bed with a vibrator shoved up her arse with Huma coming in to change batteries morning and evening, and Hamrod can just get some Stephen Hawking Ipad to answer the questions to the puppy press as how hard can it be to record, "I don't remember".

Hillary Rodham Clinton is now proven that she is mentally impaired. She can not fulfill the Presidency. Her physical health has her stumbling, going brain freeze, in wheelchairs, coughing fits, cancer,  and needed to be propped up. Her mental state is one where she can with enough rest, deliver a 55 minute speech, when she is not choking on her own spit due to medications, but reading a teleprompter is not President, and Mrs. Clinton apparently is so confused and fuzz brain that she is in dire need of someone doing the thinking for her in reciting answers to her, as Mrs. Clinton speaks extremely slow now, and she delays in responses to limit the questions she has to answer.
Her handlers are terrified and that is why they are ranting at Matt Lauer for asking non pablum questions.

So it appears in the following situations, that Hillary Clinton is going to have to be swept for bugs in not broadcasting or receiving, as she is a pathological cheater. Everyone has to realize in this that the people who own Hillary Clinton are forcing her to do this to stay in the race. I firmly believe this woman is dying and will not last 4 year competently in office if she steals this. She literally is incapable, and her cartel owners if she dies before the election apparently will stuff her and mount her on a platform and still run her, because she is about one step at this point from being vegetable brain.

This is the heinous world of the cartel which owns Hillary Clinton, which exterminates Americans with invasion, and has a 5th column in Bill Kristol and National Review pushing this old woman, when she really needs to be in home care with a 24 hour nurse.

It is though Earwigate and another damning reality of how fast Hillary Clinton is failing. The woman can not even cheat intelligently; enough any more to not be noticed.

That says it all.


Vice Presidential Mike Pence and Twitter Tim

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Seriously, with Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine running the Special Politics race for retards, I am thinking that there should be some handicap like for golf, in maybe President Donald Trump needs to stop Hillary and Tim 20 states just to make this a bit more fair.

I ask you to tell me where is Tim Kaine? I am not asking Hillary Clinton as that huge coughing sound which keeps resonating at her events, makes it easy to figure out were to send the EMT's. Tim Kaine though is the person to watch as he was Bill's pick to replace Hillary when she goes tits up.

So where is Tim Kaine? Tim Kaine is on Twitter. Yes the kid who looks like he suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome and is smoking a pack of roaches before breakfast has been dispatched to attack Donald Trump.

The problem is though that Kaine is creepy and looks like the guy in the office who sheds skins flakes all over everything and smells anticeptic, so no one really wants to follow Tim or .......well be associated with him, because Tim Kaine is boring as he looks and just as stupid.

This then is the Hillary and Bill Clinton pick, and their strategy. They have put Tim Kaine onto Twitter, to attack Donald Trump, and Donald Trump will not even reply as he has compassion on the special ed kids, and you just ignore them as they do not matter in the race.

Take that in comparing it to Richard Nixon being Dwight Eisenhower's attack dog. That was monumentally effective, as President's usually find some niche for a Vice President to make them effective........but Tim Kaine seems to be more effective if he would just visit areas where he could shed skin and then some union Mexicans could follow him and Hoover Tim up.

The reason for the focus on this in Tim Kaine and the Clinton's to show how out of touch they are and how ineffective they are, is to compare that to President Donald Trump. We all know that Donald Trump is Mr. Charisma. Donald Trump is the man. Donald Trump is the sparkle on the diamond, the glint on gold, and Melania is the moon and the stars.
Mr. Trump though was convinced by the now vanished Paul Manafort to pick Governor Mike Pence of Indiana. Mr. Pence is.........well like a park statue. He looks nice but you can not expect a great deal out of him, unless you put a plague on his base for people to read.

That is why I offered that Mike Pence would best be sent to eat corndogs at state fairs for the next 3 months, as that at least would give him a purpose to be attacked by Afroid terrorists to make a news story. This though has all changed, as the miracle worker, Donald Trump has turned a lemon into lemon merange pie in Mike Pence.

This all became visible when Mr. Trump, being President, arrived in the Louisiana disaster flood zone and gave America hope, instead of Dame Hillary phoning it in or image Obama setting his record of 300 golf games in being important.

Hidden in this was Mike Pence, because while President Trump was among the people in need of being uplifted, Governor Pence had been dispatched to make a personal call to the Governor of Louisiana, and he spoke for an extended period of time in this conference call, addressing the needs of Louisiana in a Governor to Governor conversation.

In this, we have witnessed the outreach to Black Americans by President Trump and equally to Hispanics, and Women. Behind the scenes though in key areas, Governor Mike Pence has been conducting key outreach to powerful Democrats, who then are in interviews, noting the helpful attention Mr. Trump brought and the one on one which Mr. Pence brought in being able to speak to another Governor facing a situation which was impossible.

Compare now the two in Tim Kaine, tweeting the campaign away, and Mike Pence being effective in gaining the respect of Democrats who actually have to deal with their Citizens in misery, and do not have the girlish luxury of Hillary Clinton getting a new Boeing 757 to take a road trip with the press to Cleveland with........again as people in Louisiana do not have homes, and the entire east coast is dealing with the effects of a hurricane.

President Donald Trump has found the slot for Mike Pence to be most effective at, and Mike Pence has accomplished this successfully for all Americans, Republican and Democrat. I honestly have renewed hope that Mike Pence is not so much a legislative asset for Mr. Trump with Congress, but that Mike Pence's best attribute will be his ability to deal with domestic policies which require that hands on experience.
This is the kind of situations which I post on this blog and no one ever wants to read about. It is the thing that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell never give a damn about, as in Ivanka Trumps championing better family situations in business for parents who are working. This is the situation of floods in Louisiana, and coal miners thrown out of work in West Viriginia. It is the reality that Donald Trump cares deeply about all these American domestic issues, but a President can not be mired in details as Jimmy Carter proved in his absolute failure.

America does not need a Joe Biden sniffing women and children. America does not need an HW Bush plotting Iran Contra behind President Reagan's back. America does not need a Tim Kaine being a rabid animal attacking President Trump on Twitter, while all across America, Americans are suffering from acts of Obama for 8 years and acts of God the past weeks.

Donald Trump has proven he is Presidential in his actions, words and meetings, in going to Mexico to work a deal with the Mexican President, and now Mr. Trump has proven that he can find a way to bring talent out in any one for the benefit of America. In that, Mike Pence has now proven to be Vice Presidential. America now has a President in Donald Trump and Vice President in Mike Pence.

Hillary Clinton has proven that she can ride a wheelchair and cough a great deal, and Tim Kaine has proven that he can not phone it in to Democrats in need as he can not even type it in at Twitter.


Trump White Paper: Trumpbacks

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As an economist the Lame Cherry enters upon the solution for President Donald Trump to stabilize, resurrect and nurture the United States economy again to full balance and surplus.

The following is a White Paper based upon proven economic policies to save national economies in the United States and Britain, with an added evolution in monetary principle.

Lincoln Greenbacks at full value based against debt at 10% value. As America balances the budget and pays off debt, the AAA rating will rise past 100% value to 200% to 1000% value plus, to even more quickly pay off the debt.

The carriage rate of the Trumpbacks are Treasury bills, non usury, American proprietary and are retired to be converted to Dollars again, so they can not be speculated on, bought or sold, as they are Federal property as the White House.
There will no longer be Federal Reserve or Banking involved in this, in these Sovereign Bonds. These Trumpbacks by Executive Order can never be bastardized to run up national debt as an alternative printing press.
Trumpbacks are for the purpose of a sound US economy and strong Dollar.

Hitler's Economic Miracle the Real Reason for the War

Beginning Around 5hours 30 min: “When Hitler came to power, Germany was hopelessly bankrupt. For years the Allies had demanded crushing reparations, and private currency speculators would now cause the German Mark to plummet.

It was a total destruction of the currency that wiped out savings and businesses, leaving ordinary Germans to starve.

Hitler devised a national credit program that included the construction of new roads, bridges, canals and port facilities. Jews at this point were removed from prominent financial positions and instead of borrowing from the banks, the government issued bills of exchange called Labor Treasury Certificates.

The issuance of currency was backed by the productivity and economic output of Germany's labor force, and it came on the authority - not of some privately owned central bank ­ but that of the National Socialist Government itself.

Germany even succeeded in exporting goods despite the 1933 international Jewish boycott, using a barter system that cut out the banks completely.

As a result Germany ­ despite the worldwide depression ­ became the most powerful state in Europe in only five years.

Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story NEVER Told


A Pan with Holes

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As this answer is not online, and on Chow Hound I was shaking my head in disbelief in they answered the the probable question of why a pie pan has 1/8th inch holes in it, I decided to post the real answer, as when I first saw one today again, and picked up an old metal pie plate with holes in it, I was wondering the reason for it.

First, in another Chow Hound question, the public was providing all kinds of stupid answers from it was a steamer to draining grease. I mean why would you make a metal pan the size of a pie pan to "drain grease" as one size does not fit all.......and their stating it was a steamer in those are made of stainless steel, when the woman said it was in her Mother's old pans, and that would before stainless steel...............let me just answer it as I am perturbed with the lack of common sense.

The reason pie plates had holes in them, was to release moisture from the crust, not for browning as Chow Hound was stating, but because browning occurred when the steam from the crust was released, whose purpose was to not have a soggy crust as numbers of pies have when one does not make the crust correctly with a cold hog lard base.

When we get rich from the big donation, I plan to put my pie tin on display on the hearth, along with other things of vintage which were picked up extremely cheap as no one else knew what they were either.

And of course the reason the pie tins with holes went out of vogue, is poor cooks cutting corners, using shitty ingredients had their juicy pies leaking through and smoking up their ovens like fire storms.

.......and no it does not work to put a metal cookie sheet under a pie  tin to keep it from running over, because it will not conduct heat if you do that.

More million dollar answers for some poor soul who will find this and say, "Oh that is what that thing was I threw out."
